Tuesday, July 7, 2009

32 Week Appointment

I just got home from my 32 week check-up and everything looked great! She is measuring right on track and her heart beat was 134. As for me and the pain I was having yesterday, the sharp pain left, but on my left side I feel like I have been punched--it is just very tender. Dr. Smith seemed to think I had pulled a muscle away from the bone over there. He named the muscle, but I don't remember what it was. It likely came from me lifting something or overworking myself one day. Apparently, I need to take it a little more easy. Thank you for the prayers!

Interestingly enough I have only gained 10 lbs so far. Now before I get a thousand comments, I know how thankful, lucky, and blessed I should feel. I do feel all of those things, but it has also made me somewhat emotional and worried about her growth too. Believe me, I eat when I am hungry, but have just not gained. It was awesome to hear him say she is measuring on track. Apparently as long as they are on track the drs. could care less about how much weight you gain within reason. On the other hand it is very frustrating when even the nurses don't realize how far along you are or when asked how much you have gained by friends/family they respond with "Is that healthy?" Of course I still have 8 weeks to go and a lot can change by the time this is all over.

My first shower is this weekend. I will post pictures sometime next week. I have to say I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun...I am most looking foward to the yummy cake...ok so maybe the presents will be nice too :)

Until next time...

1 comment:

kpmantooth said...

It will be interesting to see how your weight gain goes. I've been different with every kid. I gained like 15 in the last trimester with Porter and only gained 25 total. With Betsy, I gained like 10 in the first 5 weeks. (That was scary!) But ended up only gaining around 25-30 total. Our bodies are pretty amazing. Guess God knows what He's doing. :)