Monday, July 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Levi...I've Got You On My Mind!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Does Anyone Need A Gift Bag?
This past weekend was our hometown baby shower! Little Girl was showered with so many beautiful and much needed gifts. Say what you will about small towns, but the women who call them home really know how to make someone feel special. Levi and I are incredibly thankful for the family and friends who made the day so wonderful. We feel overwhelmingly blessed and loved. We miss seeing all of you more often. Enjoy the pictures from the shower, I was 32.5 weeks in them.
I am going in to week 34 and the 6 weeks left mark. Little bit makes it very clear most nights that she is running out of room! Levi and I are continually amazed at the movements she makes and love playfully poking at her to see if she will poke back (usually she does). It seems like she saves all the movement for Mom and Dad, because when other people want to see/feel her move, she refuses :) Now though, you can actually feel where she is without her moving. Goodness, we love this sweet baby!
My really cute cake!
One of the food tables
Me with Mom and Beth Anne
Me and Granny (My Dad's Mom)
Me, my Sister-In-Law Alyssa, Levi's Grandmothers Christeen and Ava Jean, and his Mom Patti
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
32 Week Appointment
Interestingly enough I have only gained 10 lbs so far. Now before I get a thousand comments, I know how thankful, lucky, and blessed I should feel. I do feel all of those things, but it has also made me somewhat emotional and worried about her growth too. Believe me, I eat when I am hungry, but have just not gained. It was awesome to hear him say she is measuring on track. Apparently as long as they are on track the drs. could care less about how much weight you gain within reason. On the other hand it is very frustrating when even the nurses don't realize how far along you are or when asked how much you have gained by friends/family they respond with "Is that healthy?" Of course I still have 8 weeks to go and a lot can change by the time this is all over.
My first shower is this weekend. I will post pictures sometime next week. I have to say I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun...I am most looking foward to the yummy cake...ok so maybe the presents will be nice too :)
Until next time...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Great Holiday Weekend...Interesting Monday
Levi and I had a wonderful holiday weekend. We didn't have anything planned except lots of relaxation and rest. Friday I had an acne facial at Spa Auburn. I have been getting these about every 6-8 weeks since my junior year at Auburn, so about 3.5 years now. Normally I am not very sensitive to pain with any sort of spa treatment, but I think pregnancy has changed my tolerance level. I could barely take the extractions, and she was not really even applying that much pressure. I wonder how that bodes for labor? To cap off the day, I went to Kids Closet fabric store to look at fabric for the bottom of Baby E's curtains and bought the nursery a lamp at Hobby Lobby. Later that night we went to see Transformers...which was pretty good, just really long. Megan Fox's role is just solely to be the sexy girlfriend, not to offer anything else to the plot or overall movie. Her role bugged me. If you watch it, you will see what I am talking about :)
Saturday, we lounged all day until about 5:00 when we cooked out burgers and hotdogs. Add baked beans, chips and dip, watermelon and air condition to the mix and to me you have the perfect 4th celebration. For most of my life, I have spent the fourth outside, in the burning hot heat with loads of family in North Alabama. This year, due to traveling less while pregnant and my North AL shower next weekend, we didn't make it home. Other than missing family though, I will opt for eating inside over outside anyday. We ended the night by watching fire works in Auburn, which was awesome!
So the reason for the interesting Monday part of the title was the unexpeted Drs. appointment I had this morning. About 7:45 this sharp pain started in my left side and wouldn't subside for 30 minutes at a time. After about 30 minutes it would go away for about 5, but then come back. It was so sharp, I couldn't catch my breath. So, I called Levi and asked him if he thought I should call the dr. and he was like... probably, I am not an expert, but it would make me feel better! So, I called and they asked me to come in. Long story short, they don't know exactly what was causing the pain. It could have been her turning and streching my uterus in an unusal way or nerve pain. They checked everything and it all looked normal. Her heartbeat was lower than it has ever been at 141 (it has never been less than 151), but again still completely normal. They sent me home to rest and to apply a heating pad to the area of discomfort. The pain lasted though until about 12:30 and I still feel soreness and some pressure in that area.
My 32 week appointment is tomorrow anyways, so instead of letting today count, they want me to come back just to make sure all is ok. Please say a quick prayer that the pain has stopped for good. Also, one for me not to worry too much about it either. Even though I am sure it is completely normal, it is the first time anything with the pregnancy has worried me. I will make sure and update again tomorrow after my appointment, it is not until 3:00.
Until next time...