We had a blast celebrating Avery's first year with lots of friends and family in town for the event. The theme was just all around summer fun and included hand made pin wheels (Avery sends a big thanks to MeMe and Daddy for those), a hand made birthday banner (thanks Grandmommy) sand toys, hotdogs, hamburgers, and all the fixings, plus super yummy cupcakes from sweet Tiffany. As a special touch, each cupcake had a miniature pinwheel on top for decoration.

Avery was fabulous! The party started with her taking a short siesta. All of the adults took this time to relax and reflect on how wonderful this past year has been with her in our lives. When she woke up, the food was served and Avery ate her very first cheeseburger (cut in very small pieces). It was then time for cake! Boy did she love digging in. Avery is not shy when it comes to food. She will try almost anything without hesitation. Gourmet Tiger did a great job and it truly was delicious.

After Avery filled up on cake, we moved to the presents. I wasn't sure how she would react to opening gifts, but she loved it! She liked the gift bags better than wrapped presents and never tired of pulling paper out to find the gift. She took her time with each present and oohed and aahhed over what she found inside. Her cute little self even took time to look at the cards first. She was an absolute doll! One of her presents was orange and blue fabric for game day outfits from Grandmommy...she was just as excited about the fabric as she was any of her toys!

After opening presents, it was time to try a few out. She loved her cell phone, swing, and book the most. Her first party was a huge success. I tried very hard not to be stressed and to take each moment in to its fullest. Avery...Levi and I love being your Mommy and Daddy and we look very forward to many more birthday celebrations in the future! Happy first birthday to our sweet, smart, beautiful little girl!