So, Avery is really 7 months now, but I have decided to post at the end of each month so that I can document everything that happened during that particular month :)

As far as weight and height stats go, she was 17.7 and 26 in. long. 60th percentile for weight and 50th for height. She was still right on track for gaining the standard pound per month. She has become quite the giggler and continues to steal everyone's heart with her sweet smiles. Boy does she love her Daddy!

This month her biggest milestone was getting up on all fours and trying to crawl. This occurred during the first week of March and by the end of the month she could "scoot" to pretty much any object she wanted. At 6.5 months we had her ears pierced and they couldn't look cuter. Since then, we definitely have had fewer "Is it a girl or boy?" questions! The last week of March, she learned how to blow raspberries and thinks it is hilarious when she does it :) While I am thinking great, our sweet little girl is now a spit blower! Last but not least, toward the end of the month she was able to hold her self up in the crib and as long as she was holding on when she fell, she could pull herself back up too. She is getting to be so strong!

In addition to oatmeal, she added sweet potatoes, green peas, and bananas to her diet. She absolutely loves the sweet potatoes, which is weird, since Levi nor I either one likes them. She grew even more aware of the dogs and loves to sit and pet Ellie. Huck doesn't really like the idea of her pulling on his fur so he kinda just sniffs and moves on, but Ellie is content to just sit and let Avery pet her. I think this comes from her having a couple of litters of puppies...plus a constant need for attention :) The picture below is just too funny... Whose boppy is it really?

Until next time...
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