Sunday, February 28, 2010

5 Months!

F stands for February and Five Months :) She weighed 16.6 lbs and was 24.5 inches long. This month was a big one for Little Girl. Here are some of the experiences she had and milestones she reached:
Week 1:
  • Mastering rolling over from front to back and back to front. She did it a couple of times during her 4th month, but really became good at this month.
  • Splashing during her bath.
  • Started back thumb sucking...not sure if this is a good thing!
  • Oh...that is me in the mirror!
Week 2:
  • SITTTING UP UNASSISTED (she can go for 15 min. without falling over)
  • Reaching for and putting her paci in her mouth.
  • Had her first accumulating snow fall!
Week 3:
  • Eating oatmeal and loving it :) She hated rice cereal...
  • Finally paying attention to the dogs, she smiles whenever they enter the room now.
  • First virus with a fever: Viral Pharyngitis, aka, a sore throat. In adults it is basically a cold.
Week 4:
  • First bath in the big tub (in her to come)
  • Sitting in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time...Olive Garden to be exact.
This month there are even more giggles and coos and tons of sweet smiles. Since she started eating her oatmeal, she has been taking a 3 (sometimes 4) hour nap during the middle of the day while she is at Alli's. She wants to crawl so bad and gets frustrated that she cannot move wherever she wants. We never use the swing anymore...she always wants to be either sitting on the floor or in her excersaucer. We definitely are having to keep more of an eye on her...I can't imagine what it is going to be like when she starts crawling. Spring cannot get here fast enough! We are looking very forward to being outside more for playing and walks. Yesterday, we took a walk on campus and she loved looking at all the people.

We are so thankful to be Avery's parents. By far, the fifth month has definitely been the most fun...we will see though what the sixth one has in store.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Super Fun Super Bowl Party

This year the Elliotts watched the Super Bowl from the Auburn University Recruiting Lounge! Even though I have worked for Auburn for the past 6 years (student time included) this is something I had not yet got to experience. To say Levi and I were beyond excited was an understatement! My husband loves Auburn Football and keeps up with recruiting like no one I have ever seen. A lot of you may not realize this about him, since he isn't the most extroverted person, but ask him sometime about football and you will find out very quickly he loves his Auburn Tigers!
The lounge itself is just past the gates of Tiger Walk and leads directly into the locker room. Being the opportunity that this was, we of course took the time for a photo opp in front of the legendary Bo Jackson's jersy display. I think it turned out really good...Avery looks genuinely excited! I wish she were a little older and could appreciate it more, but maybe we will get the chance to visit again sometime. She had her picture made with Aubie at 7 weeks (I never got around to posting it on here)but it is the small things like seeing Aubie on a regular basis and the big things like getting to be in the locker room that make calling Auburn my home so much fun!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Video's of Avery

For Christmas I got the Sony Webbie HD. We had been wanting something to document Avery's milestones with, and since we had already spent a good bit on the Nikon I needed to fine something cost efficient. We looked at all of the reviews and went with this one. It uses a duo stick pro that keeps up to 9 hrs. of video and also takes pretty good pictures. It only cost $150 at Sams ($200 at Bestbuy. So that they would upload faster, Levi selectd a lower viewing quality. But rest assured when you are watching it on your own tv,the picture is crystal clear!

Anyways, here are a couple of videos we have done of Avery over the past month. They are mainly for family and might not be all that interesting to the rest of you. Granmommy, we especially hope that you enjoy!