Avery was 8 months old on May 1st! She weighed in at 18.6 lbs. As you can see she is full of smiles and laughs a lot now. At eight months and three weeks, her first tooth peeked through. She has definitely been a little more irritable due to this fun stage of development. She is extremely ticklish and loves for us to blow on her belly. Getting her shot in the chair this month was a little harder, hence it being above her. Here a couple of the cute out takes from the photo session.

She continues to bring so much joy and fun to our lives. Here are a few highlights from month eight:
- Started feeding herself puffs.
- Had her first fever of 101...one of those pesky throat viruses again!
- Now that she is mobile, she is a wiggle worm when trying to get a diaper on her. Oh how we took those first few months for granted!
- No longer will let just anyone hold her upon first sight. Has to warm up to them first.
- LOVES being with other children. She is with Noble everyday and they are becoming great buddies. This reminds me, I need to get a picture of the two of them. Alli says he asks for his Avry (pronounced with a short a sound) every morning :)

- Loves riding in the stroller and watching other people. She puts on a show for who ever comments on how cute she is.
- She loves being outside and whines whenever we come in.
- Although she has always loved taking a bath, she really started splashing her legs and arms this month. She also loves for us to pour water over her hand. Sometimes we still giver her a bath in the sink (after I have bleached it) and when we do this, she likes for us to squirt water in her mouth with the sprayer...are we terrible parents?

- In addition to the dishwasher, she loves to pull up on clothes baskets, the bath tub, any drawer, Huck and Ellie, her Momma, and unfortunately the toilet.
- Speaking of drawers, she loves pulling socks out of Levi's. We have a video to post of this.
- She HATES having her nose wiped or sucked. She had an incessant runny nose for much of month 8, due in part to teething. She can throw a fit like nobody's business when she sees the tissues come out!
- She of course wants to get into everything she doesn't need to, including the dog's food and water. Yes, we have caught her with a piece or two in her mouth :) Lesson learned. Now when the dogs are not eating, their food in not on the floor.
- Last but not least she has started making the cutest high pitched noises that just melt our heart. It is a true sign of the little girl she is turning into.
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