Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, October 9, 2010
It's Great to Be An Auburn Tiger!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Avery's First Birthday Party!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
525,600 Minutes
All I have ever wanted, was to be a mother. I love that I have the opportunity, along with her Daddy, to really mold and shape the woman she will one day become. To say that raising a child is a huge responsibility does not nearly describe the monumental duty we have as parents to instill confidence, compassion, independence, and an unwaivering faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, into our children. I know that being a great mom can only come from being completely open to God's will for Avery's life.
The past year has been incredible. Avery is so much more than our hearts or minds could have conceived she would be. She is beautiful and unbelievably smart. She has her momma's independent streak and lack of patience, and her Daddy's kind heart. We have loved watching her grow, learn, and change. Ours hearts are full of unconditional love for this little one who God so graciously gave us. There have been times of frustration and exhaustion, but oh how they were outweighed by the times of joy, fun, and excitement of this year.
Happy Birthday sweet Avery! We can hardly wait for the adventures that lie ahead in your life. Always know that you are loved by so many people, but especially your Mom, Dad, and heavenly Father. We are so thankful that He picked us to be you parents!
Monday, August 23, 2010
10 & 11 Months!
Speaking of teeth, she has one more on top and another coming in. That makes a total of four. She doesn't really say words, although she jabbers all the time. She says "Doh" as in "Here you go" whenever she wants to hand you something. She has actually pretty much stopped saying Mama and Daddy. I think that she is so focused on how mobile she is, that she doesn't thinking about talking. She moved to a big girl car seat (still rear facing until she is closer to 30 lbs.) and loves being able to see out of the window on car rides.
She loves her shape sorter and does a great job making each piece fit in its designated spot! Right now she is really good at the circle type pieces, but is getting better with the heart, plus sign and star. Each time one sinks into the middle we say "Yea Avery" and she claps her hands and giggles. She like playing chase with Daddy and also loves to dance. Boy can this little girl bust a move! It is absolutely hilarious. I am so glad we have a video camera to catch her gettin down!
She is slowly but surely growing more hair, but it is going to be a long time before we can use bows! She still loves being outside and touching the leaves and grass. She enjoys reading books in short bursts and loves looking at her clothes hanging in the closet! I know I have mentioned it before, but I love the way she crosses her feet. I think it is my favorite thing she does.
Avery, your Mommy and Daddy (and everyone else in your life) love you sooooo much! You are definitely the best thing that has ever happened to us. I cannot believe it has been a year since we first met you! We are looking forward to making many sweet memories in the years to come!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Country Road...Part II
My embrace the camera picture! Early morning, no makeup, just simply me with my sweet little girl!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Country Road Take Me Home...Part I
Friday, July 23, 2010
9 Months!
Here are the highlights from her 9th month:
- Weight: 18. 10, Height 26 in. This puts her in about the 45th percentile. So at 3 months she was in the 85th and now we are small for our age!
- We are finished with the bottle! At 9 months 2 weeks, we went cold turkey to the sippy cup and she is doing great! She turns it up like a champ. I wanted to take the bottle before it became a comfort item and before I stopped nursing. I am so glad I did this. Side note: a great way to make sure they take whole milk from the sippy cup is to mix it with breastmilk, starting with 3/4 BM and 1/4 WM. Gradually it flip flops until they are drinking all whole milk! This has worked great for Avery.
- In addition to oatmeal and most baby food, she loves graham crackers, cheese, and tortilla chips.
- When sitting on the floor, she uses her legs to spin herself around in circles (this is really cute!)
- Waves bye sometimes, but mainly points at everyone and everything
- LOVES being outside. Gets excited when you are going and upset when you are coming back in.
- Cruising around furniture, doors, drawers, and anything else she can hold on to.
- Walks like a champ using her wide base push toy. You can tell she thinks she is such a big girl. I actually cried the first time she used it. It was like nothing to her and all I could think was wow she is growing too fast!
- Hates slowing down for anything, especially having her diaper changed.
- Still enjoys her bath and loves the pool.
- When I wake her up in the morning, together we let the dogs outside for the day. She loves this and smiles as we walk toward the bathroom where they sleep. I say, "where are the puppies" and she smiles and beats the door.
- For kissing, she opens her whole mouth and covers you with slobber.
- Talks and jabbers all the time to herself.
- She became quite the momma's girl this month. Didn't like when I left the room and wanted me to hold her more. Definitely more wary of people she doesn't know.
- At night she and I laugh and play in our bedroom. I lay her down and as I call it "get her belly." She is so ticklish and laughs so hard. This is my favorite time of the day!
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