Here are the highlights from her 9th month:
- Weight: 18. 10, Height 26 in. This puts her in about the 45th percentile. So at 3 months she was in the 85th and now we are small for our age!
- We are finished with the bottle! At 9 months 2 weeks, we went cold turkey to the sippy cup and she is doing great! She turns it up like a champ. I wanted to take the bottle before it became a comfort item and before I stopped nursing. I am so glad I did this. Side note: a great way to make sure they take whole milk from the sippy cup is to mix it with breastmilk, starting with 3/4 BM and 1/4 WM. Gradually it flip flops until they are drinking all whole milk! This has worked great for Avery.
- In addition to oatmeal and most baby food, she loves graham crackers, cheese, and tortilla chips.
- When sitting on the floor, she uses her legs to spin herself around in circles (this is really cute!)
- Waves bye sometimes, but mainly points at everyone and everything
- LOVES being outside. Gets excited when you are going and upset when you are coming back in.
- Cruising around furniture, doors, drawers, and anything else she can hold on to.
- Walks like a champ using her wide base push toy. You can tell she thinks she is such a big girl. I actually cried the first time she used it. It was like nothing to her and all I could think was wow she is growing too fast!
- Hates slowing down for anything, especially having her diaper changed.
- Still enjoys her bath and loves the pool.
- When I wake her up in the morning, together we let the dogs outside for the day. She loves this and smiles as we walk toward the bathroom where they sleep. I say, "where are the puppies" and she smiles and beats the door.
- For kissing, she opens her whole mouth and covers you with slobber.
- Talks and jabbers all the time to herself.
- She became quite the momma's girl this month. Didn't like when I left the room and wanted me to hold her more. Definitely more wary of people she doesn't know.
- At night she and I laugh and play in our bedroom. I lay her down and as I call it "get her belly." She is so ticklish and laughs so hard. This is my favorite time of the day!
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