I will start by saying that I have known for a long time that Levi was going to be an amazing Dad. Kids gravitate toward him and he loves being with them. He knows how to make them feel comfortable like no one I have ever met. I think it is how kind and gentle he is. They sense that they do not get on his nerves or annoy him like they do some adults.

With that said, he has been absolutely amazing since Avery was born. He loves this little girl with all his heart and her momma too! He took two weeks off when she was born and didn't miss a beat taking care of both of us. Don't get me wrong, my mom came by in the afternoons, and his mom was here the weekend after she was born. But Levi did it all, changed dirty diapers, rocked, swaddled, read to me from Babywise and Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, when I nursed at night...From the beginning, I never got up alone with Avery at night. It was a team effort. If she woke up, he unswaddled her, changed her diaper, and then gave her to me to nurse. Then when I was finished, he changed her again, swaddled her and put her back to bed (she slept in a co-sleeper next to us for the first 9 weeks). He did this all while working full time and never complained. Thankfully she started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks, but his view point was, this is
our baby and
our family and I want to be a part of it all. As a result, Avery has been attached to him from the beginning. Thank you Levi for being so selfless. Although I know you were exhausted at times you did such an awesome job of loving your girls!

Nursing Avery was very important to both of us. However, it takes a lot of energy and time. Levi has encouraged me from the beginning and probably kept me from quiting during two different bouts with yeast. He washes my pump parts, sits with me so I don't have to be by myself when we are back at home, and makes sure he tells any one who will listen how proud he is of me for making it this long. We are nearing the end of the journey, but I couldn't have done it without him. Thank you for your support Levi!

Most importantly, Avery thinks he is wonderful! He is so patient with her when she is fussy and can rock her to sleep like it is nothing. Each night after I feed her, he is the one who rocks her and puts her down for the night. She loves this time with him and I know he cherishes it too.
Levi you are an awesome Dad and Husband. Avery loves you so much and I am thankful to have such a wonderful man in her life. I look forward to watching our family grow with you!
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