My 39 week appointment was yesterday afternoon and I am happy to report that there was more progress. I am 90% effaced and almost 3 cm dilated! Her heart rate was 150 and she moves around all the time. It is so neat to feel her little feet, knees, or other unknown parts slide across my stomach. What a little miracle she is!
With the threat of flu ever eminent, I talked to Dr. Smith about the possibility of inducing next week when I am full term. So, if she is not born before the end of the day Monday, we will meet our sweet baby on Tuesday! My choice would be for her to come on her own before then, but for scheduling purposes for Dad and Grandmothers who will be keeping her the first weeks I am back at work, I can't really go past my due date. Please pray for us during the last few days we have without her. Everything is pretty much done. Her nursery is finished with the exception of hanging her initials painting. Once we get her home, I will post pictures of the room. I absolutely love it! I have to keep myself from just sitting in there day dreaming about what it will be like to finally have her here with us.
I would be fibbing if I didn't admit that I am very nervous about labor. Please pray that these fears subside. I know that Levi is going to be amazing support for me and that I am designed to be fine. But none the less, it is intimidating.
By the way...for those of you who gave us a gift but haven't received a thank you card...please know that it is coming. I am waiting to send them along with the birth announcements in a few weeks. This little girl was definitely showered with many beautiful things.
Stay tuned for any late breaking news...hopefully more like late breaking water!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
38 Weeks and the Waiting Game
Hello All,
I would like to joyously announce that I am still pregnant and still at work! While there may be a hint of sarcasm there, I really have enjoyed getting to see my students who have been away since spring and spending the nights lounging with my hubby. Next Wednesday, August 26th is my last day at work. Even though I am not due until September 2nd, I wanted to take a little time to relax. I have the time built up, so why not.
Levi and I are both a little burned out as far as work goes. We rarely take vacation or sick time. In fact, Levi has only taken 2 days off this year...including sick leave. While I have taken a little more due to drs. appointments and pregnancy sickness, I still haven't taken very much...and I don't consider being sick on the couch or sititng in the drs. office a vacation. So, even though we are going to be very, very busy and tired the week she is born, we are looking forward to both being off work regardless.
As far as Miss Priss goes, my 38 week appointment was this past Monday. She had dropped more, but I had not progressed more. Her heart rate was 164 and Dr. Smith thinks she weighs 6.5 lbs. So, the update is it could be tomorrow, it could be 3 weeks, but either way we will have a precious baby soon! My next appt. is Tuesday, so maybe there will be more to report, but if not, Levi and I will enjoy our last few quite nights and mornings as just us :) It is funny, every night for the past week I have dreamed she was born...I am ready for my dreams to become reality. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to see her for the first time! Keep us in your prayers!
I would like to joyously announce that I am still pregnant and still at work! While there may be a hint of sarcasm there, I really have enjoyed getting to see my students who have been away since spring and spending the nights lounging with my hubby. Next Wednesday, August 26th is my last day at work. Even though I am not due until September 2nd, I wanted to take a little time to relax. I have the time built up, so why not.
Levi and I are both a little burned out as far as work goes. We rarely take vacation or sick time. In fact, Levi has only taken 2 days off this year...including sick leave. While I have taken a little more due to drs. appointments and pregnancy sickness, I still haven't taken very much...and I don't consider being sick on the couch or sititng in the drs. office a vacation. So, even though we are going to be very, very busy and tired the week she is born, we are looking forward to both being off work regardless.
As far as Miss Priss goes, my 38 week appointment was this past Monday. She had dropped more, but I had not progressed more. Her heart rate was 164 and Dr. Smith thinks she weighs 6.5 lbs. So, the update is it could be tomorrow, it could be 3 weeks, but either way we will have a precious baby soon! My next appt. is Tuesday, so maybe there will be more to report, but if not, Levi and I will enjoy our last few quite nights and mornings as just us :) It is funny, every night for the past week I have dreamed she was born...I am ready for my dreams to become reality. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to see her for the first time! Keep us in your prayers!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
3 Amazing Years!

At dinner on Wednesday night, we talked about all that has happened in years 1-3... a few of the highlights include: Graduating with our degrees (we got married in college), buying a car, buying a house, and last but not least, learning we were expecting! Now, only 16 days away from my due date, I feel like this next year will be the best yet!
Thank you Levi for making me your wife...I can't wait to celebrate many more anniversaries with you!
Monday, August 10, 2009
37 Weeks and Progress!
I had my 37 week check-up this afternoon and actually have progress to report! I am 1.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced :) Now, I know that I could stay exactly like that all the way until I am due, but it felt great to hear that we are moving toward meeting our little girl! Her heart beat was 164 and she is measuring not too big and not too small, so I assume just right. He said I definitely shouldn't expect a large baby, which makes this mama happy (you would understand why if you heard my 5 ft. 1 in. mom talk about delivering my 9.5, 23 in. long, wide shouldered brother). Baby E is also still head down, which was reassuring!
This past Friday, Levi's work had a surprise shower for him. Part of the surprise was me being there. The picture is from when he first walked in the room. We got lots of great gifts and Levi felt really loved and appreciated. It was a lot of fun. Thanks GKN for making us feel so special!
Ok, I am off to packing our bags for the hospital. I have been putting it off, but feel like I should probably take care of it sooner than later. Keep us in your prayers as the next couple of weeks pass by!
This past Friday, Levi's work had a surprise shower for him. Part of the surprise was me being there. The picture is from when he first walked in the room. We got lots of great gifts and Levi felt really loved and appreciated. It was a lot of fun. Thanks GKN for making us feel so special!
Monday, August 3, 2009
36 Weeks = 9 Months!

At the appointment we learned that she is head down, which really shocked me. I thought she was transverse (sideways) because of where I feel kicking. Apparently, she deserves more credit for knowing directions than I thought :) Now, we just need her to stay this way!
I have not progressed at all, but that is to be expected. Hopefully in the next couple of visits there will be more to report. Her heart beat was 148 and just so I can remember later, at my 34 week appointment it was 153. Levi was with me today and got to hear the heartbeat in person for the first time since the ultrasound at 17 weeks. I am so glad he will be with me at the rest of the appointments...he makes the wait time so much less boring!
The walls in the Opelika office are paper thin and Dr. Smith saw the couple next door to us first. They were there because she had just had her second miscarriage. I told Levi there was a reason we were able to hear the be reminded of how little control we have over any aspect of our lives...and how completely blessed we have been during my entire pregnancy. All of the Glory and Praise be to God for this miracle inside of me. I am reminding myself more and more often that this little girl doesn't belong to us, she belongs to God and we are here to help guide her toward his purpose. I pray that I will be able to maintain this knowledge throughout her life.
Please pray for us over the next few weeks as we prepare our hearts and home for our little girl. Pray for me to have energy and strength to make it through the first two weeks of classes (I will be 38 and 39 weeks). With as many students as I see during that time, there is a real possibility that I could go into labor with one in my office. Pray for Levi, I know these next few weeks will be exhausting for him too. Stay tuned for updates...we are very anxious to meet her and begin our life as a family.
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