Our 3 yr. anniversary was this past Wednesday...August 12th, 2009! It has been a hectic week and I neglected to post about it. Stop reading now if romantic posts aren't your style :)

I have to say that the past three years have truly been the happiest of my life. Beyond being an amazing husband, Levi is my best friend...I think that there are some couples who say this without it being true...but I feel like everyone who knows us can testify to the friendship we share. He is the one I can't wait to share good and bad news with, the one who makes me feel like I am the most beautiful, important woman in the world. He is an awesome husband who takes incredible care of me. Everyday God reveals more to me how He made us specifically for each other and how truly blessed I am to have Levi in my life.

Over the past three years our love has grown so much stronger. We are not perfect...far, far from it and we hurt each other more often than we should. But thank goodness we serve a mighty God and Savior who is perfect and our love is made perfect in Him. Levi and I strive to put each others needs before our own. Marriage is not for the selfish. I have to really brag on Levi for how selfless he has been over the past 9 months. While my pregnancy has been overwhelmingly easy, there have been some rough spots and he went above and beyond to meet both mine and Baby E's needs. He is going to be an outstanding father!
At dinner on Wednesday night, we talked about all that has happened in years 1-3... a few of the highlights include: Graduating with our degrees (we got married in college), buying a car, buying a house, and last but not least, learning we were expecting! Now, only 16 days away from my due date, I feel like this next year will be the best yet!
Thank you Levi for making me your wife...I can't wait to celebrate many more anniversaries with you!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy happy day. I know you have your mom in town, but please let me know if you want any back-up or help once the baby is here. I really, really mean it.
yay! I love the Elliotts! Happy late anniversary!
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